Your online learning platform for primary education.

With Pluvo, you can set up your own online learning platform. In just a few clicks, you can create your own online lesson with videos and game elements. Or you can add existing e-learnings to your online learning platform.

More than 600 organisations organise their learning with Pluvo

Pluvo in primary education

With an online learning platform in primary education, you can introduce your students to digitisation in education. This is how they learn to take responsibility for completing online lessons. Pluvo is very user-friendly, making it easy to understand and use. In addition, Pluvo makes digital education organised, because you can see the progress per student at a glance.

Create lessons and tests

Creating your own teaching materials has never been so easy. In just a few clicks, you can create beautiful online lessons and tests. Fill them with various forms of content, such as images, videos, text, audio clips, or different types of quiz questions.

Portfolio & submission orders

By means of submission assignments, you encourage your students to actively work on the subject matter themselves. In the portfolio, you collect the work per student in one place, where you then provide immediate feedback.


In the library, you can add other teaching materials so that your students can find them at any time. This way, you don't have to cram large pieces of text into one online lesson and you give everyone the opportunity to continue learning.

But that's not all

Pluvo is full of extra functionalities that make your online learning platform for primary education even more complete and effective.


If you have any questions, your students can easily reach you (and each other) via chat. In this way, documents, answers and experiences can be shared with each other for optimal learning outcomes.

Analyze progress

With Pluvo, you get the opportunity to run clear reports with results achieved. These consist of relevant information, such as answers given to questions or the average length of a lesson.

Personalised learning

You can easily tailor the e-learnings to each student's preferences, so that they can learn at your own level and pace. Does anyone get a low score? Automatically open an additional lesson.

“I experience Pluvo as an energetic and dynamic organisation with short lines of communication. In collaboration, we have developed an e-learning that perfectly matches our goals!”

Nick Verwaaij

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